Thread title: Lava fill bugProvide a proper title with a very short bug description. (Example: "Lwc sign bug") Minecraft Username: chewychunga Your Minecraft username here. Brief Description: /fill lava deletes buckets Provide a brief description of the bug/exploit with a sentence or two. Instructions: 1.have stack of buckets in hand 2. type /fill lava 3. it says it fills a stack of buckets 4. place lava. 5. stack of buckets becomes 1 bucket .. List the steps needed to take to reproduce this bug. Add more or less instructions appropriate to getting to the bug. If it's just a single step or ten steps, just add the numbers accordingly. Numeral listing is preferred. How many times did you recreate this bug?:2 Example: 1 out of 3 times, etc. This is necessary so that we may analyze if this is a bug that is probability-based. It also ensures that it's not just you who may have made the mistake in the first place and solidifies your bug report. Result: i lost a bunch of buckets What actually happened upon doing the bug. This goes roughly hand-in-hand with the brief description, but this is just the result - nothing else. Expected Result: fill 1 bucket with lava If there was an expected result, then please post what was supposed to happen, as opposed to what didn't. Evidence