Minecraft Username: @BuildsByGideon Brief Description: Forum medals won't show up correctly Instructions: 1. Go to a thread 2. Look at medals of people who posted How many times did you recreate this bug?: All the times it has shown up it has not looked right Result: Medals are all on top of eachother and are not very visible Expected Result: Medals showing up without being overlapped Evidence: Try it for yourself Ps. So far I have only tried this on a mobile device so it may not be the same for a PC
Throwing this into the existing report about forum medals although it is a different problem: The medals seem to begin a little too far on the left and too far at the top. This is mainly noticeable with large medals like the bitcoin medal.
Yup banners and medals are acting funky on mobile. Might make some changes to fix the banner issue. Not really sure what I will do with the medals though.
I have "slightly" fixed it; however it is still quite ugly: I will continue investigating how the medal system works with the responsive style, and hopefully with the help of the theme author come to a conclusion as to how to make this look "nicer". I apologize, but styling is truly not one of those things I know very well. I will keep you updated once I get in touch with our theme designer. I'm trying to get this sort of look with the medals underneath: It's something to do with our vertical responsive design. I will keep you posted
Looks like it's fixed to me, can anyone else re-create it? Edit: lol I posted at the same time as Andrew, But the models underneith would look nice Andrew, +1 from me
Yes this is what I am seeing as well, but I don't consider that fixed, it's just messy now. I would like the medals to span nicely underneath