Minecraft Username: 314. Brief Description: Occasionally a forum script causes Firefox to freeze. Symptoms explained below. Instructions: Wait for the problem to occur every few hours. It appears to occur more often when using many ECC tabs (>8-10). How many times did you recreate this bug?: I am filing this report after the sixth freeze within the last week; I think it is the twenty-seventh freeze since the new forum layout was added. It never occurred before. Result: Firefox's RAM usage rises to >5GB, CPU usage goes to 80%, and it stops responding. This sometimes leads to the crash of resource intensive programs like Minecraft. Sometimes Firefox crashes itself in a way that doesn't allow me to start a new Firefox process until I kill three to four old ones via the command line or the task manager. Firefox's "A script on the site is not responding" window appears. "Continue execution": No change. "Debug script": See evidence section below. "Stop script": I'd expect that this stops the script... but nothing changes. Expected Result: No freezing, normal CPU and RAM usage. Evidence: This was a little tricky. Firefox's "The script is not responding" window showed a condensed script URL, "https://www.ecocitycraft.com/foru...ons.min.js?_v=25e2d2e9_1.5.7.0:1". Neither informative nor helpful. After choosing the "Debug script" option, I had to deal with a freezing debugger that finally showed me the full name of the script - "https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/js/audentio/uix_dark/functions.min.js?_v=25e2d2e9_1.5.7.0:1". I looked at it, my current opinion is "I hate minified JS code".
Well, that js file is literally the whole forum. Not much can be changed with it. All I can say is disable flash and update firefox. Usually it's one of the two. But then again, this is you we're talking about.
Disabled/removed for quite a while already. Newest version. I was already expecting such a comment and agree.
Mhm. This bug occurs in a clean install of Firefox on my Virtual Machine. Edge and Chrome respond in a similar way - they stop responding and nothing except the task manager or taskkill -f can save them.
This happens to me too... I've tried everything mentioned with no resolve. I have just had to resort to not staying on the forum for long stents.
I'm pretty sure it's shoutbox causing issues. I don't keep the tab open for very long now and it solves my problem.
Empirical evidence suggests that: 1. The shoutbox is not the only cause, or 2. The shoutbox is also loaded when a page without it is visited - i.e., directly accessing threads via bookmarks without ever visiting the subforums list can cause the bug. When this bug occurs, staying on the forum for a few seconds suffices. :/