Minecraft Username: 314. Brief Description: "Trust this device for 30 days" when using forum 2fa does not work. Instructions: Set up 2fa on the forum. Attempt to save yourself the need to insert the code every single time you log in. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Every time so far. Far over 10 times. Result: Forum 2fa is needed on every single login. Expected Result: One 2fa every 30 days. Evidence: N/A I just want to know why it is working on my phone (Where I had to 2fa only once out of the many logins so far), but not on my PC. And I think I want to know this far too often...
If you have a dynamic IP or your IP changes for other reasons you'll probably need to login again. Or its just a classic 314 bug in which case...
It even asks again when restarting my browser, that shouldn't assign a new IP... I have stopped opposing the spirits that haunt my PC.
@Nicit6 - do you know whether forum 2fa uses cookies? I simply wonder why I need to redo it when simply restarting my browser...
Reason found. Checked cookies, as suspected. xf_tfa_trust is a cookie on www.ecocitycraft.com. Added to exceptions list. Works now.
30 days passed. Problems returned. ._. Cookies are still being accepted. No other cookie is added after entering the 2fa code. Phone still works fine, only had to renew once after 30 days. I need to enter it every time I close my browser and open ECC again.