Thread title: Can't rate posts on the phone Minecraft Username: Vunthorghini Brief Description: When I click one of the ratings button (Like , agree, ect) that button lights up, but the rating isn't given Instructions: 1. (Using the phone) Click one of the ratings button 2. The button will light up 3. No rating will be given How many times did you recreate this bug?: Always Result: Button lights up, rating isn't given Expected Result: It was supposed to appear "Like x1" and "Undo rating" Evidence: (This is a random post I took for example)
Try clicking twice. Sometimes when things are small your browser won't immediately click them. This is done to prevent miss-clicking things.
Ahh ok! *facepalm* I think I had tried it before, but now I zoomed in the button, double clicked and it worked... Thanks for helping me!