Minecraft Username: Expipiplusone Brief Description: Comcast (CMCSA) stock value behaving very oddly Instructions: A very few days after purchasing CMCSA stocks (a few weeks ago), when checking back the results, I noticed a tragic drop (~50%) in their value. Due to the fact I was busy at the time, I didn't investigate the cause and assumed that a critical business deal had failed, or some shit. Today I happened to check yahoo and noticed from the history graph that the current value ($37.46) is roughly the same as the value at the time I bought it (~$37.35, on 8 Feb 2017) But, according to the forum, I purchased the stocks for $74.78, which is roughly double that! I double checked and, according to yahoo, CMCSA never went out of the ($37.29÷$37.46) range on that day: therefore it's impossible that the value had an extreme spike during the day and I happened to have the misfortune to buy it at the very wrong minute. TL;DR: something went very wrong with forum stock software. Being the problem a net factor 2, might it be due to a 1-bit shift of some register? (but I can't see how it would happen) How many times did you recreate this bug?: Luckily, only once Result: I'm very confused Expected Result: No confusion Evidence:
I had an idea and did some googling, and the idea was right: CMCSA did a 2-for-1 split on 21 Feb. https://www.stocksplithistory.com/comcast/ Therefore all users who owned N CMCSA stocks at the time of the split, should be given N stocks. E.g: say, I had 100 stocks on 21 Feb and I now have 100: I should have now a total of 200 instead; say, I had 100 stocks on 21 Feb and I now have 30 (I sold some after a while, or whatever): I should now have a total of 130 instead.
To explain better: when I bought CMCSA on 8 Feb, their value was really $74.78. What yahoo shows in the history graph is the adjusted value: http://money.stackexchange.com/ques...ce-adjust-stock-data-for-splits-and-dividends In a real stock market, on 21 Feb, the value of the stocks I owned would have been divided by 2, and at the same time the number of stocks would have been doubled. But because we're on a toy market, I guess this mechanism was not implemented automatically and it needs to be done manually (didn't know) [EDIT: indeed]
Note: I said 21 Feb, but I also see reference to 17 Feb. I'm not sure of the detail difference between Ex date and Pay date, it's not my area; so the critical moment might not be Feb 21 but Feb 17. But the general mechanism is clear.
Usually how this is dealt with (from my experience) is andrew or Jamie just refunds the value to your forum account. Nothing you can do about issuing more shares with the way the trader works.
Send Clar or Imagine a PM stating that the stock split and you need to be refunded the difference. Would be helpful if you include an article about the stock split from some news source.
Threads in the Help&Support section are never locked because the same problem may occur again in the future.
A lot of stocks are off by quite a bit and if u stay on the buying screen it will go for when you clicked on the screen is there supposed to be that much of a delay?