Minecraft Username: bandgeek12345 Brief Description: chat channels change when passing though town portals Instructions: start a private conversation with someone and enter direct chat with them by doing /r "enter" then go though a town portal. How many times did you recreate this bug?: just a few. Result: chat channel automatically changing most recent "public" channel Expected Result: staying in private chat "/r" with other user Evidence: not atm but can make a video tomorrow if needed.
I can confirm this happening on every world change (aether, nether, mining, rising, legacy, pvp, etc) You don't need to use the portals, just changing worlds is enough.
Bumping, I am having this problem. When I PM a player and TP somewhere, it will switch to Global Chat.
It would make sense if it switched (say) from global to mining when entering mining world. Which is true. However (in said example) it switches to mining even when the user was engaged in a private conversation. I can't imagine how this would be intended by a sane person, more probably it's just a side effect that wasn't taken into account when writing that piece of code. TL;DR: not really intended, still has to be fixed.
Actually, the way herochat works, it is. Herochat treats pm as a channel, so due to cross server pm support in the works this is intended. As the player may not be allowed to pm in a separate world. Same goes for regular herochat Please don't contradict me when I am the one who writes our custom Herochat
Exceptions can be made for everything. I'm assuming it's not supposed to change your channel unless you don't have permission to said channel. Which would make it weird if it does change from PM to global, wouldn't it? Sounds like the priorities of handling things are mixed up. It should only switch if you don't have permission in said world.
It moreso "refocuses" all your chat channels. The implementation of the cross server setup is really really messy, so yes, being mixed up is possible, but it more than like isn't finished. Thus causing it.
In my own cross-server chat implementation I simply had bungeecord handle all PMs and using plugin messaging to synchronize with the chat plugin.