The last few days has seen many changes to the sever, while I don't like hospitals being removed, I wont complain because there is a greater problem. I often have a lot of locked items - its why I purchased unlimited locks. I test a lot of things to see if the lock is working and always use Lclick to make sure. Now, I don't get any lock notification and have to use commands to make sure its locked, and set correctly. Placing signs for people I cannot simply use click the signs to see if I registered them all so if I make a change to a "Rules Wall" for example, I have to cprivate them all over again, or cinfo them. Please bring back Lclick LWC notifications!
It was taken away for a reason: It added a significant amount of lag to the server, along with quite a few other things. To edit mass LWCs, i'd suggest using /lwc mode persist, which continuously runs a command, then use /cprivate which will make that command run over and over again. Upon no longer wanting to cprivate things, all you have to do is /lwc mode persist again and it will halt.
I get why it was removed - still want it back! [edit] Leave out the "Locked by you" when you open/use the item, but bring back left click!
What i don't like is that I can't see who has locked what. If someone locks a chest, without permission, in a random spot, I can see who it is to have them unlock and destroy it. Now Im gonna have to get a Supermod to unlock stuff more often? I do like less lag though.
/cpersist /cinfo /cpersist /cpersist /cprivate That's what I do (latter) for checking and doing LWC Requests. However, the first commands may now have to be used to check what is locked. If I'm misunderstanding that /cinfo no longer works, we have a serious issue. Honestly, I would really prefer having left-click show who has things locked. It makes checking LWC Requests insanely easier, and now I may have to spam even more by using several commands back and forth just to check things before unlocking..
Sorry for the misunderstand here, /cinfo does still work, however as pointed out by MoofinK you need to use the command. or the /cpersist command. What cannot be seen is who owns the lock - or if there is even a lock unless you try to open it. Or spam the server with either the /cpersist or /powertool /cinfo. Attempting to open a chest you dont own in my view should be cause for concern - ie trying to steal from the chest.