Minecraft Username: Kinane4 Reason: Scamming Counter-Reason: I offered to buy giftcards i lost the money and my credit card isnt very good and i will pay them back by working my butt off and paying them every cent i owe them and play like i used too Evidence:
This is my favorite server and i cannot live without it this server is the only reason i bought Minecraft
Hello there, It appears as though you scammed Sergey_y a $15 donation feature (Teleport). I am wondering if you have received the money yet in order to pay for the $15 or if you would be willing to refund Sergey the 75k. Please reply here on what you wish to do then we can advance from there, ~sick24
Sergey_y should have more than 75k. He has been missing those $ for a long time now and Kinane4 should not be able to get free loans by scamming people. There has to be a penalty or we will be here again in 2 weeks.
We have a separate forum for posts like this. This is not the way to voice your opinion for it is violating our forum rules. Warning issued
kinane, with your ban reason now updated you will need to make a new appeal. Please be sure to include an apology to epislen and your intentions to re-pay sergey_y, ~sick24 Denied as ban reason was updated