So with the 1.3 update MC will have a "book and quill." Basically, this is a book that you can write in, up to 50 pages. To craft it you need an ink sac. Since Octopus do not spawn in ECC (even when mob spawning is on), we need to figure out how book and quill will be accessible. I can think of a few ways. Plz post if you can think of any more ways to make this accessible, or even a hot economy item. 1. Sell the books in the server store. 2. Sell ink sacs. 3. Let people with ext creations spawn octopus. 4. Given away by Andrew in Snipe.
Personally I think we DON'T NEED more items to be sold in the server shop. Octopus spawning is indeed a good option, but I think sniping would be even better, and maybe, just maybe, you could hand out books as prizes on server competitions. ( I think i already suggested something like this in the past to andrekm and he replied that we dodnt need more music disks). I think this will also increase the number of chicken farms, an atraction to the aether, as we have exp farms on the nether. In the end, i would like to make book and quill a very uncommon item, let people gather them and create crazy stuff with it - Maybe a library? (All copyrights reserved xd)
page 1sunday may 6 4:58am i have made a long journey to a place called spawn looking around i thought wow they had some time on there hands and lots of money then i found a building made of wool and on my way to the top i found a sign selling ink saks then i died rofling since i just looked at this and it seems the owner forgot
*le facepalm* Guys, inksacs are sold at the top of the wool store... The real problem here... Is getting leather. EDIT: And feathers.
You're completly right, they changed the recipe.... well im off gonna craft every single book i can with the old recipe xd
Well, there's always the option of making an animal farm in the aether. Passive mob spawning is enabled there, I have one myself.