anvildash. I can get you up a website if you got the cash. Message me one day if you want to get your blog on ECC. Since yours is the most popular I think it should have that feature.
evevet101 perhaps I could be your Editor? That would mean you giving me the account pass and user and me going in and editing your blogs.
How would I do anything wrong? You mean Hack you or something? I enjoy writing and I enjoy hobbies, this being both. evevet101 Anyways I wouldn't and its your choice.
looks good, I totally wouldn't have found this if Nelsin hadn't quoted me Not to be that guy but have you talked to andrew/sky about this just because it's at an external source you may want to cover yourself that way. But back on topic, its cool that you have staff members. I actually was recently considering doing the same thing just to help me get back into the routine of writing often and seeing that it works I might just do that. Good luck with your endeavors and maybe in the future there might be a point were we might merge [To Nelsin] I may come to you in the future regarding a separate site for my blog but I'll talk to to more about that ingame or something. I'm interested in learning what quantities of moneyz would be needed (eco or irl?)
It would be real life money for the domain because I do not currently need any ecodollars. I know a few domain services. They are quite costly depending on site protection and other stuf