Hi! I'm not new to EcoCityCraft, but I am new to the forum. I recently created a market in [classified] to sell items by hand. The customer will select an item from one of the signs on the wall and I will give them the price. If they do not see what they want they may request an item for later. Once they select the item I go into [classified] and retrieve the item for them. They will pay and I give them the item. I want to know if this is in accordance with all rules and that I may run this shop without problem. - Your_Maker
Though what you asked for is perfectly legit, trade signs are much more handy, as they don't need you online and it's guaranteed scam-free (except some recent bug). If I'm not mistaken Builders can't make trade signs, if I'm correct then I strongly advise you to get the Resident rank asap