I was on ECC, and I used an elevator sign to travel up. But then I was stuck in a block, and got kicked for "flying (or similar) I tried to get back on multiple times, but I ended up i suppose blacklisted, because it refuses my connection now. [RESOLVED]
No, this is a common problem that occurs on ECC. Try hitting /spawn immediately upon entering the server and you should be able to get out of this situation.
He's misinformed, don't listen to him. There are other threads with a similar problem, they might offer additional solutions if mine doesn't work.
It wont work if his connections being closed. Thats a proxy issue and needs to be dealt with by closing the mc client completely.
I think you have to wait a couple minutes before you attempt to reconnect. As I said, search for threads with similar titles to this one to see if you can find past solutions.
You've been offline 17 days. The place you logged out from no longer has a floor, so NCP thinks you're flying. I've put a floor there. You should be fine now.
Our hero! Busy building a hub and yet finds time to "save the day". Jamie, don't let anyone tell you different - "you are all that, and a bag of chips"