Zardy, sorry to say but this is not the biggest, thats pocket change to what loto use to be. I know ike telling stories when sios, anok, and many other high rollers of the past would through in 2-5 mil each day, and the biggest loto i beleive is 22 mil, and that was one by some really old user.
The biggest lotto ever was 6.7m (before this one), won by xxemuxx. Where ever you got this information is incorrect.
LOL no, i know for a fact its not 6.7 mil xd, there have been lotos over 6.7 mil, just not this 15 mil one but i have even seen bigger than 8 mil in my playing time, which is only a few months.
Gonna call bullcrap. Lotteries have never gone higher than 6.7mil other than this one. Want me to list off to you the highest lotteries ecc has seen? Let me go ahead and do that for you. 1. 14.8mil - won by Da_Tirtow 2. 6.7mil - won by xxemuxx 3. 6.3mil - won by Asphyxiatorslove, SonnyCPretzel, and one other user who I can't remember atm. 4. 4.(3 I think?)mil - won by Dwite12 *Edit* The other user in the 6.3mil lotto was Hokingyeung, as was pointed out to myself by Sonny. Lottery leaderboards show that there have not been any 8 mil lotteries since January of this year, unless you're saying that somehow since 1.6 came out, there was an 8 mil lottery that no one remembers but you, I believe you're either lying or being mislead. If you have proof, go ahead and provide it.
How do 3 people win or are you saying that 3 different people won 3 different lottos with almost the same amount but probably a different hundreds, tens or units at different times::
Very very very wrong. From the current server, that is correct but as far as I can remember there was a couple of insane lotto's on both testing and 3ish years ago on the really old server.
So I've been reading this whole thing but the only thing I've really wondered about was why Zard was playing football and more importantly why he didn't invite me. Am I the only person on this?
This was ike's field outside Berlin High School. Right before the big lotto ended, andrew tped everyone there.