Just wondering if people knew the best ways to protect spawners. I'll list all the best suggestions on this post.
You can do it, but it would require a back and limb worth of Netherstars. Bedrock block @ NetherSpawn shop = 400 Nether Stars.
Get a sign, and place it on the MobSpawner. No need to type anything on the sign. Once thats done, just do /cprivate and right click the sign, so you protect it. This will automatically protect the spawner too. Preventing griefers. Assuming you were mentioning Mining World.
LWC is disabled in the mining world, this does not work. The best way that you can protect a spawner is by not using any material that isnt dirt or cobble and to fill in the nearby caves entirely.
Yeah, which takes a LOOONG time. I really do not see any use for spawners now; they can easily be walken upon and destroyed, and we cannot do anything about it. D:
Get nether access, very few spawners in the nether are destroyed/found. Even when people find spawners less people in the nether destroy spawners especially if it is only a single blaze spawner.
I'm pretty sure you are on your own when it comes to locking and protecting a spawner. Andrew has pretty much disabled any form of locking one.
We've come to a possible conclusion that, apart from owning Pyro + Water + many other donation features, we will not be in the slightest of being able to protect / lock a spawner, apart from using effort to cover up caves etc.