I recently started playing on the server again, and I''m just wondering what the best way to farm nowaday is? What are the most quick and effective methods? I'm willing to invest in tools if needed.
If you somehow have or can buy an Eff. 5 axe then you can farm rows of pumpkins super fast, especially if you have CJB fly. Sidenote: Erma gerd arntcerbing is plering ern this serverrr agern ERMAGERRD
antcubing is back! <3 Well, I farm on a 192x16 reed farm. I make about 1k per floor(100 per row). I am building more and more floors everyday. You will need a couple of floors before you can really start making a ton of money. I like it because it is fast and you don't need any type of tool to farm it with. Prepare to invest some time. Others might disagree.
I use a Eff 4, unb 3, silk touch pick on pumpkins make about 25k a hour. if u ever need a farm i own a 200x200 melon farm.
Other crops make a little more money, but reed is by far the easiest crop. I quite enjoy it No you don't.