Minecraft Name:jacob03082000 Suggestion:Making it ilegal to BEG for your stuff back when someone kills you in pvp. Reason:I killed 4 people today in full prot 4 and 1 of them had to apperently Cry and quit the server after endless beging which realy fot annoying. The signs spcificly say your items wont be returned for a reason and the person who I killed thire friends would message me saying thing like "whats wrogn with you" and other this which made me realy mad. Any Other Information:Someone should not Cry and quit because they lose thire armor fair and square. Link To This Plugin:No plugin needed.
Why...? This is a major economy server...like the US economy, it needs to be as free as possible. Setting a rule like this would only destroy a lot of people's freedom and make so many more people quit the server. This is a very selfish and grammatically horrifying suggestion...you're just being a Grinch...that's all. I bet that one day you will die in pvp with all your good items and beg for it back... I betcha. And even if you don't beg for it back, i'll bet you will be quite upset about it.
Of cource i would be upset but begging constantly and not leaveing you allone trying to get me to feal bad is not something i would do.
People have the right to ask politely for their items back if they get killed in PvP, however it is up to you to decide if you give them back or not. You can always report anyone if things get out of hand (they start swearing at you, making threats, harassing you, etc.) If you simply don't want to listen to what somebody is saying for whatever reason, just use the /ignore [username] command.
I've worked hard for all my gear, and lost a full set of prot 4 and a sharp 5 kb2 fa2 in pvp last week. Was I upset when I was attacked by 3 people and lost it all. Nope. But not everyone is as calm and easy going as I am. As quefueve said, they do have a right to ask for their stuff back, but just report or /ignore those users who are being rude/irritating.
There is no plugin for this, although i have begged, but against a scammer. I killed 6 builders with my sword, who then raged at me. I find /ignore a very useful command. When I die in pvp, I laugh it off. I never bring anything important in pvp or anything worth more than 1k.
If you dont bring anything worth more than 1k, then you have a 99% chance of dieing. Even prot 1 on everything and a sharp1 sword are worth more than 1k
Thinking you recently logged against mrp that was funny, I agree it is annoying when they don't ask nicely but normally when I kill someone in prot 3/4 I normally just do /ignore straight away so they can't rage/say hurtful things and so I don't have to here the constant begging when they're not asking you nicely.
Well if you lost prot 4 armour you would probably be upset. If you really don't want to listen to them just /ignore them. -1