I know he has helped some people (I got immediate responses in chat about him helping people) but he had been caught in some small griefs, and when he griefed almost ALL my lapis, i thought he had done enough. Sorry to anyone who got his help, unless he is found in lots of grief over the next few days, there will be no rollback.
i am very sorry i know that it was right and if i could get rolled back i well never grief at or break any rules if there is a probation i would gladly be on the list if that means i could be on ecocity and i now clearly under stand that i can't grief in the wild or mine other peoples mines i am extremely sorry and some one tolled me that you are staff if you could get me back in the game ill work for u and do anything i am very sorry. sincerely Randomcola
1. use sentences 2. i like how some of what you said made no sense 3. i liked how you spell 4. you read the rules, and you still griefed
aww mah worker is banned that sucks i need mo workers i wish there was a mod called mo workers on this server