Good Day, I am trying to track down a list of banned items. I don't know if this is the place to post this. But I read the Wiki, and was unable to come up with anything. If someone could provide me a link. I would like to know what I may and May not use to decorate my house. Thanks a Bunch. PS. If this is the wrong area to post this I apologize. If (Before you close this thread) you could please direct me to the correct place to post I would for ever be in your dept.
These are the banned items that I know of in the main world. I'm not sure about other worlds. There may very well be some that I have forgotten. Piston Sticky Piston Dropper TNT (usable in the nether) EDIT: Also, Cactus Item Frames
TNT minecart, hopper minecart, pretty sure droppers, command blocks (obviously), and lets not forget firecharges
Well technically he has a point they aren't banned as they are still craft-able, just not place-able. I can still harvest cactus and sell it for profit, just not place it is all, so it isn't 'banned' in that sense of the word.