I had deposited 60k into my bank balance yesterday night, making my bank balance total = 110k (I had 50k already from a previous deposit before all of this). I check now and it says that it was reversed due to the rollback. The problem is that the 60k was NOT deposited back into my in-game balance... and I my current bank balance is 50k which is what it was before the deposit. So Im assuming there was a glitch of some sort and the 60k is lost. Any help with this? The first 2 transactions are the only two that matter and pertain to this issue so just ignore the rest: http://pasteboard.co/17Alzehh.png
If you earned that 60k during the rollback period (which it sounds like you did) it will most likely not be returned.
Part of it (30k) was yes but the other half was not. I know this because the 60k i deposited was investor cash from the Vault of ECC that I was collecting from a loan on a pay plan. 30k was received the previous week and the other 30k was received Tuesday which is the day of the rollback. I also had money paid to me by addswerzxc from a melon sword payment. He paid me 900k upfront that day (which was obviously taken back) but I'm thinking that the system/server might have thought that the 60k was part of the money that I received from addswerzxc which it was NOT. I am missing money and this is very frustrating. Ive retraced all of my loans and payments received that day and nothing lines up correctly.
This is due to the rollback. Everything was rolledback correctly. It was all done manually by myself in careful detail. (I know it may be hard to track money after a 12 hour roll back, but we ensured no funds were lost whatsoever. Only time was lost)
We simply rolled back the 60k withdrawal you made during the rollback period, we did not touch your minecraft user account what so ever. Just checked it out. If you say you made 30k during the rollback period, then 30k came from somewhere else, which would have returned after rollback was completed. These are all your transactions since beginning of exploit period:
Seems to be my mistake then. My apologies as this whole situation has been a bit hectic for me as well as for yourself im sure lol.