Maxer43: Destroyed: 108 cocoa 1 brick slab 6 green stained glass 4 bookshelf 7 gray carpet 2 red carpet 2 bed 1 redstone lamp 3 cake 1 jack o lantern 1 stone pressure plate 6 black wool 2 spruce slabs 6 glass pane 3 crops 1 melon 1 pumpkin 1 chest 12 slime block Placed: 32 cobblestone 1 chest Total: 90 Blocks edited/111 crops edited User Maxer43 banned for moderate block/minor crop grief in the town of mineburg Blastronaut123: Destroyed: 95 torches 25 cocoa 5 flower pot 4 bookshelves 5 ladders 1 lilac flower 2 glowstone 2 light gray stained glass Placed: Nothing Total: 114 blocks/25 crops edited User Blastronaut123 banned for major block/minor crop grief in the town of mineburg