Rainbowwarfare Apparently disrespecting staff.. Reason/complaint: I needed my pick repaired.. I was waiting for 6 hours all night, went through mutiple restart's. She alway's came on but no she is always too busy, She would talk to everybody else but when I pmed her for help she never repsonded and that is what annoyed me. 6 damn hours man, 6!!! And she would always talk to everybody but me. D:< I don't have any. Andrew banned me for disrespect when I was argueing. I hope you get around to this andrew, I will try and shut up next time ok, I guess I will have to wait :/
Firstly, you were advised I was busy. I am not the only one on this server who can do e-repairs. It is not my job to make sure you can make money, as I do have other duties. Rather than kick you, or worse, I opted to /ignore you for the duration that I was occupied. You were disrespectful, and there is no sign that you even acknowledge that your words or actions could be wrong. Appeal denied. Please think over what has happened and submit a new appeal with more effort.