Minecraft Username:Kentafox Reason:Abusing pyro/stealth donation features to kill people in a non-PvP world Counter-Reason: I was in the mining world where in the rules it states that i am allowed to grief aslong as i am not tampering with the spawn area of the mining world, i just fought that that i was allowed to grief with my pyro ability, and the only reason i was disguised as a snowman is so my friend could folow my snow trail so he didnt loose me. (the friend that was with me was cloudstrife0). but after reading the rules again i didnt notice the donators section last time and didnt know you couldnt use pyro or water to greif. im completly sorry, it was my fault for missing that section
I will leave this open for a smod+ to decide your fate. I wish to note that you attempted to kill me as well by digging a hole under me as a snow man and then dumping a bucket of lava on top of me. This was after I had been called out to investigate for you trying to cook another player. This is not griefing, this is better classified as pvp where you attempt to kill another player and is not enabled in the mining world. You are free to dump water and lava anywhere in the mining world, however you are not allowed to do so in such a way as to intentionally lead to the direct death of another player. Such as dumping a bucket of lava on a player.
Fixed your username, since your in game name must match your forum name. There's two major problems here: That being said, I'm asking you to read up on all the rules. Since everyone, including Physics and Trev, managed to survive you attempting to burn them to a crisp to my knowledge, I'm giving you a day to do so. I am going to say that your features are fine, for now, but any further evidence that you have abused them will definitely result in the possibility of losing them permanently. Being a donator is cool, trolling is not. 1 day tempban. Locked.