Minecraft Username:weemii Reason: banned for trying to bypass a ban of craftychips Counter-Reason: I have not been sg hacking I love Eco it is the best server I have played on and apparently I have been trying to bypass a ban when I have not. I have started playing ecc again as my son craftychips has got banned I did tell him if he gets banned he gets banned as my son has skill in sg but people believe he hacks but he does not hack. People believe that I have came back as craftychips but I would not let anyone play own account not even my family members. I would really like to get unbanned from ecc as I'm not craftychips trying to bypass a ban and I will be looking forward to coming back to Eco. Evidence: I have no evidence @kukelekuuk00 @Unknownrider @Revanrose6
When i played lotto with crafty he would always get on this account to beat me and then he wouldn't have to pay me back, but he would always say it was his mom, or dad. But let me try finding evidence of that really quick.
well Ik im not supposed to post but I think this provides some insight on the situation. These points kinda prove you are hacking..... http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/t...g-evidence-by-atomblizzard.93868/#post-469538 http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-weemii.93941/ http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-weemii.94043/ http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-weemii.93800/ http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-craftychips.93307/#post-469779 http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-craftychips.93294/
This appeal is refering to the alt account rather than the hacking, and the mods can find the same exact information so ther is no need to post unless theres some new insight. Mods have repetitively told people not to post in complaints that dont pertain to them, as I am doing right now. The mods have a grip on the situation so lets not have people getting warned left and right and keep this appeal relatively short please, rather than post simple "nice try, but not good enough" slanders that pop in our heads. Edit* Ill post nothing further #unwatch thread
And Weemii was the mother's account, but I've already proven that it's craftychips based on the behaviour in chat and sg. And this appeal confirms it even more. As for the appeal, I'll be denying it. Craftychips has to appeal before weemii can be unbanned. Locked, craftychips has to appeal.