Minecraft Username: Conferateboys Reason: Accusing/Harassing Counter-Reason: I would first like to say I am so sorry about my actions that took part 2 weeks ago. These actions where caused of me getting mad at the user after losing money in lotto and was told that, that user was a banned user. In the 2 weeks I was banned I had plenty of time to thing about what I done wrong and I feel embarrassed about my actions. I have played on Eco City Craft for some while now and for now on I will thing before I say things in chat. What I done was horrible and when/if I get on I will apologise to the user for my behaviour. Trust me I will never take those actions again into the peace of your server. Next time if anything I am angered about I will use the /ignore command to prevent any miss-haps. Please trust me I will never do such thing again. Thanks for your time -Conferateboys Evidence: N/A
Hello ConferateBoys, I am glad that you wish to appeal you ban, however I can't stress enough how serious your actions were, which has been reflected in the punishment you have already received. EcoCitycraft is a family server is a friendly, family server and harassing another user is NEVER acceptable. The user in question asked several times for you to stop falsely accusing him and you completely ignored his requests. You clearly were having a negative impact on his game play and you should be ashamed of your actions. You have been on the server long enough to know that you may never throw around accusations in chat and that you should collect proper evidence and file a complaint or speak to staff should you suspect something. I hope that you learn from these past 2 weeks the importance of not harassing or accusing users in chat, and that you do not repeat these actions in the future. Considering you have been banned for 2 weeks now, I am going to be unbanning you but with a 1hr temp ban. During this time please re-read the server rules and ensure that you understand ALL of them very clearly. The server rules can be found here. Locked - Conferateboy's ban reduced to a 1hr tempban