Minecraft Username: kinghudsonwhite Reason: Griefing/Scamming Counter-Reason: I was destroying my properties because I was moving to a different town. I was told by the town owner to stop but I said it was mine and I wasn't going to let him take advantage of me. I was never warned before he kicked me. PVP was enabled at the farm that I was using. I don't know why and I have never known this. As I was using the sword, another user came up to me and killed me in 3 hits with his diamond sword. I, at the time, did not know that there was someone following me. I died and I have no clue who took it. I'm sorry that this all happened and I will try my hardest to get the money back if I am un-banned. Evidence: Clause 1 - Griefing Grief is defined as breaking or destroying things that do not belong to you, including breaking and replacing things to get to places that otherwise you shouldn't be going (for example, breaking into someone's house.) This can also extend to building things in areas that do not belong to you. This is not allowed in protected towns under any circumstance, and the owner of a town is welcome to put in a Grief Report and Rollback Request whenever they find grief within their town in order to have it investigated. The only exception to this is in the case that the owner of the town makes griefing allowable within the town. They must inform all residents of such a rule upon the residents joining the town. When a grief report is filed, grief is graded on a sliding scale of minor/moderate/major based on the amount and severity of damage done, and is determined based on staff guidelines by the staff member investigating the situation. It is also determined at that time whether the grief is bad enough to warrant a rollback. Grief in the wild is frowned upon, but allowed. Staff will not take any action in the case of wild grief. Please see Section 7 for rules regarding grief in the Aether, Nether and Mining World. Clause 2 - Scamming A general definition of a scam in the context of EcoCityCraft is a transaction in which a user pays for goods or services from another user, and does not receive those goods/services in the agreed upon timeframe. Failing to uphold your end of the deal is scamming, and is punishable by a ban. Your continuance on the server may rely on you following through with your end of the deal, or refunding what you scammed, solely at the staff’s discretion. Clause 2.1 - Renaming items Users cannot rename items for the purpose of making them misleading (for example, taking a cookie and renaming it “Diamond Sword”, and then attempting to auction or trade it without specifying that the item is a cookie is against the rules) If you are auctioning or trading an item that has been renamed, you MUST specify what the item was before it was renamed. All renamed items must follow the language and content rules for chat on the server. If it would not be appropriate in global, it is not an appropriate item name. Making or distributing items that are inappropriately named are both punishable to the same extent. If you find or receive an item that has been inappropriately named, please inform a staff member immediately, so that they may investigate and act appropriately.
Hello Kinghudsonwhite, The grief was spread out through a the town. You destroyed a fountain, which was in the middle of a road, you destroyed parts of multiple buildings, and the ground, this cannot have been just your plot. I would like you to make a new ban appeal telling the truth before we consider unbanning you. locked, ban appeal denied.