[Ban Appeal]

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by Kinghudsonwhite, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Kinghudsonwhite

    Kinghudsonwhite Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jan 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Minecraft Username: Kinghudsonwhite

    Reason: Griefing

    Counter-Reason: I was destroying my properties because I was moving to a different town. I was told by the town owner to stop but I said it was mine and I wasn't going to let him take advantage of me. I was never warned before he kicked me.

    Clause 1 - Griefing

    • Grief is defined as breaking or destroying things that do not belong to you, including breaking and replacing things to get to places that otherwise you shouldn't be going (for example, breaking into someone's house.) This can also extend to building things in areas that do not belong to you.
      • This is not allowed in protected towns under any circumstance, and the owner of a town is welcome to put in a Grief Report and Rollback Request whenever they find grief within their town in order to have it investigated.
    • The only exception to this is in the case that the owner of the town makes griefing allowable within the town. They must inform all residents of such a rule upon the residents joining the town.
    • When a grief report is filed, grief is graded on a sliding scale of minor/moderate/major based on the amount and severity of damage done, and is determined based on staff guidelines by the staff member investigating the situation. It is also determined at that time whether the grief is bad enough to warrant a rollback.
    • Grief in the wild is frowned upon, but allowed. Staff will not take any action in the case of wild grief.
    • Please see Section 7 for rules regarding grief in the Aether, Nether and Mining World.
    • Clause 3 - Seizure of Property

      By owning the town, your town Mayor has the right to remove you from the town at any time, for any reason, so long as the following criteria are met:
    • Sufficient warning is given to the evicted person(s) ahead of time.
      • For an individual, you must give 3 days advanced notice.
      • For entire towns and/or mass evictions (5+ people) you must make a forum thread in the Towns Discussion forum. In this thread, all evicted persons must be tagged and given 7 days advanced notice. Users who can not be tagged due to not having a forum account must be mailed with the same length of notice.
    • Users are given the appropriate timeframe and ability to remove their items and belongings.
    However, under the following circumstances, the advanced notice criteria need not be met:
    • Griefing of the town which has resulted in a ban.
    • The user has been banned from the server for longer than the time required to give advanced notice.
    • The user has been evicted for breach of town rules (the mayor will have to provide proof of the rules and that the user has agreed and was aware of said rules.)
    • In any case, you may not block access to any locked belongings of the evicted user at any time. If you wish to gain access to their belongings, you must fill out an LWC request following the guidelines posted in the following clause and have it approved before you may block access to the previously locked items.
  2. Pab_Jr

    Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Please make a new ban appeal with your new ban reason. Also this grief was townwide and not just one block.

    #2 Pab_Jr, Jan 12, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
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