]Minecraft Username[/b]: hÉaly299 Reason: posting symbols in chat Counter-Reason: my homÉ town is mÉxico and i livÉ in brazil rightno wbut but my kÉyboard not Égnslsuh i cannot typÉ Éwithout thÉ skymbol É plÉasÉ Evidence: i nÉÉd to gÉt back on sÉrvÉr bÉcausÉ i want to givÉ my friÉnds monÉy huÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉhuÉ
healy299, Since you have chosen to use your appeal to continue the same behavior I will be denying this appeal. Feel free to submit a new one when you would like to appeal with some sincerity. I will also be issuing a forum warning for trolling the appeal system. Appeal Denied Locked