Minecraft Username: damien2ralph2 Reason: Banned For griefing the town of Razecity, refusing to stop or fix the damages I caused. Counter-Reason: I would like to be un-banned because I didn't think before my actions and I have accepted to what I did was wrong. I am so SORRY and if I do get the chance to get back on, I would work to pay damages because they have already repaired their house according to my friend who is the town Co-Mayor. I will never do what I did ever again! I hope you consider my ban-appeal request. Evidence: For the banning, http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/grief-ban-report.75402/
Hello. Before we can deal with your appeal, your forum account name must match your in-game name. Please contact a GameAdmin to change your name, or create a new account. Denied, please re-appeal when your forum and in-game names match.