Minecraft Username: pokeashpoke Reason: Vulgar Language Second Offense Counter Reason: I am very sorry for swearing and I realize what I did was wrong. I was in PvP and saw this guy in full diamond armor so I took my Sharp 3 fire 2 Knockback 2 sword and constantly switched from going to safe zone and PvP area and hitting him. He got 2 hits on me with his sword and I was at half a heart. I ran back to safe zone and He stood outside looking away from me. I hit him with my sword and died from counter-attack. I asked if I could have my sword back and he said no. I got really mad and swore at him. I am extremely sorry for swearing at him, I realized what I have done is wrong and to show that I know I was wrong and what rule I broke I will paste it here. Clause 2 - Vulgarity Inappropriate and vulgar language is not allowed. This includes anything put on signs, said in chat, written in books, renamed to on items (see Section 3 Clause 2.1), spelt out in blocks, or any other way of communicating. Occasional mild to moderate vulgarities that are not directed at anyone (such as "slip-ups" or saying them in the incorrect chat by accident), self-censorship of a swear word or abbreviations that may imply a swear word (ie. WTF?) are allowed. Repeated or excessive swearing, and especially vulgar language directed at anyone, is not tolerated under any circumstance. Racist language of any sort falls under the vulgarity rule, and is considered a very serious offence, punishment of which may not warrant a warning before being given. Again I am very sorry for what I did and hope to never do this again, I was acting stupid at the time and I am very sorry for that. Evidence: None
I would like to state that Pokeashpoke owes me 50k and he is constantly getting banned and breaking the rules and he attempted to steal from me a day before the ban. He also barely lasted a day between his first and seccond offence. I do not think that he is learning or will learn his lesson.
I have gone through your past few bans and you have quite a number, a majority of them being spamming/inappropriate language and this is not tolerated. Because you do not seem to comprehend that we do not tolerate this kind of behavior in our community so there will be a 5 day temp ban issued, when you return to our server/community please be mindful of your behavior. The only reason I am accepting this appeal because you obviously understand what you did wrong but you still broke the rule. 5 Day temp ban issued.