[Ban Appeal]

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by TheBluePickle, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. TheBluePickle

    TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Minecraft Username: pokeashpoke

    Reason: Vulgar Language Second Offense

    Counter Reason: I am very sorry for swearing and I realize what I did was wrong. I was in PvP and saw this guy in full diamond armor so I took my Sharp 3 fire 2 Knockback 2 sword and constantly switched
    from going to safe zone and PvP area and hitting him. He got 2 hits on me with his sword and I was at half a heart. I ran back to safe zone and He stood outside looking away from me. I hit him with my sword and died from counter-attack. I asked if I could have my sword back and he said no. I got really mad and swore at him. I am extremely sorry for swearing at him, I realized what I have done is wrong and to show that I know I was wrong and what rule I broke I will paste it here.

    Clause 2 - Vulgarity
    • Inappropriate and vulgar language is not allowed. This includes anything put on signs, said in chat, written in books, renamed to on items (see Section 3 Clause 2.1), spelt out in blocks, or any other way of communicating.
      • Occasional mild to moderate vulgarities that are not directed at anyone (such as "slip-ups" or saying them in the incorrect chat by accident), self-censorship of a swear word or abbreviations that may imply a swear word (ie. WTF?) are allowed.
    • Repeated or excessive swearing, and especially vulgar language directed at anyone, is not tolerated under any circumstance.
    • Racist language of any sort falls under the vulgarity rule, and is considered a very serious
    • offence, punishment of which may not warrant a warning before being given.

    Again I am very sorry for what I did and hope to never do this again, I was acting stupid at the time and I am very sorry for that.

    Evidence: None
  2. greg45865734

    greg45865734 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I would like to state that Pokeashpoke owes me 50k and he is constantly getting banned and breaking the rules and he attempted to steal from me a day before the ban. He also barely lasted a day between his first and seccond offence. I do not think that he is learning or will learn his lesson.
  3. GungnirIncarnate

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I have gone through your past few bans and you have quite a number, a majority of them being spamming/inappropriate language and this is not tolerated. Because you do not seem to comprehend that we do not tolerate this kind of behavior in our community so there will be a 5 day temp ban issued, when you return to our server/community please be mindful of your behavior. The only reason I am accepting this appeal because you obviously understand what you did wrong but you still broke the rule.

    5 Day temp ban issued.
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