IGN:TheBuckeye11 Reason: Greifing Counter Reason:I will pay 500 dollars to the people i greifed and 1k to the mayor and i will never go back to that town i greifed again and i will read all the rules. I Will take a 7 day temp ban. Make sure thomasku11 reads this i want to tell him im very sorry for what i did and i know i shouldn't have done it and wont do it again and ill never talk to him or any1 in the town again so plz forgive me and unban me
Hello Buckeye, and thank you for appealing. As you most likely know now, griefing in protected areas is illegal and will not be tolerated, thus your ban. While we are waiting for a Supermod+ to unban you, I suggest that you reread through our rules and more specifically this one regarding griefing: Unlocked for a Supermod+
Hello, I am glad to see that you have reappealed as you have been asked to. As outline by Delucaco, grieifing is unacceptable and as you griefed to enter another user's building, this is totally unacceptable. I'm sure you are aware that users pay to get their area protected and do not expect to be griefed. I will be issuing you a 4 hour temp-ban for grieifing. In this time, I would like you to re-read through our server rules and especially the one that Delcuaco quoted. I hope that I do not see your name again on another Ban Appeal, especially one for griefing. Once you arrive back on the server, I hope that you can become a law abiding member of our community so for then, welcome back to the server. Action - Temp ban for 4 hours