My Name is: JDOG6890 I was Banned for grieft Appeal: I wont grieft I will fix what every I damaged and I wont greift again
Hello JDOG6890, I am glad that you want to appeal your ban and rejoin us here on EcoCityCraft, but before you do there are a few things I need to say. First off, grief in a protected town is a serious offense on this sever, and users that grief inside of a protected region are always banned. While I would want to unban, you I am unable to with this current appeal that is presented. To get unbanned, you need to write an appeal that shows you understand what you did wrong, why you were banned for it, and that you won't do it again upon being unbanned. As such, make sure to read up on the server rules, found here, and make a new appeal with more effort and hopefully you will be unbanned and able to rejoin EcoCityCraft again. Reason of Ban: Violation of Section II Clause I: Grief in the Main World: Appeal denied.