Reason- Spamming in chat while told repetedly told to stop. Counter Reason- I understand what I have done and am very sorry for my irrisponsible actions. I am sorry to whoever I offended and will apoligize to all of ECC. Pls unaban be, I am fine with a temp ban but I am very upset to the fact that I will never be able to play on my favorite MineCraft server ever again. Evidence- I have none, but I am sure many people witnessed my annoying behaivior. Pls unbann me due to the fact that I will never be able to play on ECC again ): IM SO SORRY! Sincerely, Moo_Inc
Hello, The rule you broke is as follows: Further you also disregarded multiple staff warnings. Ignoring staff is unacceptable. It is our jobs to keep the server running smoothly. If we tell you to stop doing something that means what you are doing is wrong and needs to be stopped. The fact that you were banned for spamming tells me you spammed at least 3 times, possibly more. Each time you would have been issued a warning. Further this tells me you were kicked multiple times for spamming which means you ignored those as well. I hope that you have learned from this ban and do not do this again. In the event that you get banned again your consequences will be more severe. I will be issuing a 30 minute tempban for you to read the server rules. The server rules can be located here: Read those and then when the 30 minutes ends feel free to rejoin the server. Revanrose6 User Issued a 30 Min Tempban