Minecraft Username: Im_Disrespected Reason: Trade FailureCounter-Reason: None...Evidence:None... I sat down last night and did some serious thinking about my actions. Im sorry for what I have done to get banned. I debated on buying another minecraft account to play on this server as it is the best server(i tried to find a better one) there is not. Anyway i read the rules and everything and id like to apologize. If you dont unban me that is fine, but if you do i promise my name will never be up here again. It sucks just watching my friends play on this server while i watch from the sidelines. I really would like to be unbanned so i can work on my town which i just got accepted. Sincerly Jake,
Hello Im_disrespected, I am glad you wish to appeal your ban here on EcoCityCraft. I would like you to understand that scamming is not ok here, and will not be tolerated, I would also like you to understand this. I would also like to notify you that we took into factor staff disrespect before having banned you, seeing as you talked very rudely to our staff team not to long ago. I also want to remind you that using multiple accounts to bypass a ban is not allowed, and may result in further punishments for both accounts. While we wait for a supermoderator+ I want you to read over our server rules which can be found here, if you have any questions I would like you to pm either myself, or another staff member on our server. I also want to notify you that you may be called upon to refund/finish any trade that you had started beforehand, this depends on the conditions that the staff agree on for your ban appeal. I will also be tagging Videowiz92 in here seeing as I think he wants to handle this situation specifically. The rule you broke: ~pbrassat17 ECC Moderator Left unlocked for a Smod+
I'm glad to hear you thought about your actions that brought you to this point. Know that scamming is not tolerated at all on the server and that all users must take the precaution when trading with users to protect themselves from scams. You seem to want to fix your issues with other players that you have caused harm to and start anew on the server. That being said I will give you a 3 day temp ban. Take this time to read and understand ALL the rules of the server to ensure this does not continue. When you return to the server, I expect you to do the right thing and give back the items taken from the scammed users. Your actions have hurt your name, and if you choose to fix your past mistakes to get a fresh start and continue further on the server that is up to you to do. If you have anymore questions or concerns, always feel free to contact a staff member; we are here to help you enjoy the server you love. Locked and 3 day temp ban.