Minecraft Username: Bennzar1 Reason: Spamming Counter-Reason: I have thought about my behavior and realize now that repeating words and symbols is annoying and childish and I will be more mature in the future. I have read over the rules again and apologize for any inconvenience, lag or upset I may have caused with my actions. Evidence: N/A p.s. I love this server and I want to donate in the near future!
Hello Bennzar1, I am glad you wish to rejoin our server. I hope now you have a better understanding of what you did. Spamming fills up chat and makes the game bad for others. I am glad you see this is childish now. To make sure I don't see any other ban appeals from you in the future. I want you to read our server rules all the way through. I also want to make special note of our spamming rule below. Please do this while waiting for a supermod +. Unlocked for supermod +
Thanks for appealing! Please be aware that spamming on EcoCityCraft is not allowed. Seeing as though you are sorry for your actions, you will be unbanned. Make sure that this does not happen again. Since this has happened before with you, you will be given time to reread the server rules to make sure that you understand that spamming is never okay. Temporarily banned for 3 hours.