Username:BAK12345 Reason:Griefing a town that had an application on que. Counter-Reason:The town was missing the coordinates for Post D. Evidence: If you check the time that I destroyed the last block and the time that the application was updated there will be a difference in the time. So the application was still inproper so I had the right to destroy. I am sorry if i offended anyone or made anyone mad.
Still griefing in a town that is currently being built is still not fair for the town owner he might have been out of signs or time look at server rules it clearly states it sorry for butting in but this happened to me and I don't like it -Icondigi
Bak, you were banned by me directly after the "D" post was updated. I asked you not to grief the area many times, yet you continued to argue with me and ignore me, even when I directly quoted from the rules. Secondly, you had no knowledge of th "D" post missing it's coordinates until I showed up and told you that the area currently had a mayor/town application input. Thirdly, griefing another user right in front of them, and resfusing to stop after the user asked you repeatedly to stop is harassment. Left unlocked for a supermod+
If you are asked to stop doing something by a mod, you stop. As Zard said, your continued actions after being asked to stop first by the user, then Zard himself, in conjunction with the submitted mayor/town protection application, made the area not free to grief. Appeal denied. Take ownership of your actions, at least apologize, and put some effort into a new appeal.