Minecraft Username: WolvieD2GMark Reason: Apparently Trolling / Abusing a Mod Counter-Reason: I made a fake message about lotto buying Tickets - Been a while Since I was on server didn't know I couldn't. ( I NEVER RECEIVED A WARNING ABOUT THIS - Just got kicked ) So I came back made a joke about it saying that I'd buy something else and added "Draw in 2 seconds" to the end of it... so the mod thinks its a server message... which it isn't because it wasn't imitating anything to do with a server message. As for the "Abusing a Mod" that's entire crap I was talking to Tommy_t and I said "Gotta love the mods on this server" because I messed up a /tell because of the stupid backspacing in minecraft deletes your entire sentence... Evidence: Tommy_t can verify that I was in fact chatting with him in private tells before I was banned. Other: I Believe The Mod has over-reacted to the situation because they have prior viewpoints about me and/or my personality and thus has lead to them being bias against me and leading to them "wanting" to ban me.
The Kick was your warning, the joke about buying "your moms face" for a draw in x seconds just after the kick was a blatant disrespect. Then whether or not you meant to say it in global or in a tell the comment about mods abusing our powers was one last disrespect. I will take it on your word you didn't mean to put it global and you will unbanned as this seems to be a missunderstanging. I do not have any prior viewpoints about you and wouldn't let them skew my view of the matter at hand.