Username: SynHDProject Reason: i was banned for swearing Counter Reason: this is my first offence i didnt think it was that bad my friend told me to do it i have other friends who want me to play with them please unban me it wont happen again Evidence: I called my friend and he told me to get on minecraft and on the server it was my first time going on the server and he told me to say something bad we were just joking around and i really didnt mean it i didnt mean to say it to anyone specific i just said it i didnt know i would get banned for it i have many friends playing on it that want me to come i made a stupid mistake and it definitely wont happen again Please unban me
I am one of those freands i do want him to join my other freand made him say that but i know he is realy nice
3 things. Firstly, you shouldn't be cursing in any server. It's a public place where people play. Not just something you can be rude about. Second, if you join a server, you should read the rules. You were banned for not following the rules here: Thirdly, and mostly, this is in the incorrect format. Please use the format as mentioned on this page:
Rikarki is right. Mods will probably tell you to use correct format, but if it wasn`t too severe then I see that you may have a chance of getting shortened to 24 hour ban due to you admitting it and if it wasnt to severe.