My IGN is Arithon. I am currently banned on the main server, and possibly the lobby server. I am not sure what the lobby server is however, so I can not be sure whether not I am banned on it. I was banned for PvP hacking in SG. I broke the rule(Clause 1) that states: Clause 1 - Hacking and Hacked Clients Fly, speed, air build, teleport hacking, or any other types of hacks, are not tolerated. This includes x-ray hacking and x-ray texture packs. Using any unfair means (including glitches, bugs, and exploits) to get into server buildings is also not allowed and is unfair to other users. Using any clients, specifically hacked clients, which may allow you to gain unfair advantages as deemed by ECC staff is strictly prohibited. Users caught using any client deemed to be a "hacked client", as defined by and at the discretion of the staff, will be banned. There is no excuse for using a hacked client on EcoCityCraft whatsoever. Discussion of hacked clients is not allowed - we do not allow them, and therefore we do not discuss them. I think this means that the usage of a modified client on the server is entirely illegal. Despite the fact that said usage is expressly forbidden, I installed and used modified client "Huzuni" for a few days prior to my ban. Its been quite awhile since I was banned from EcoCityCraft. It's given me a lot of time to think about what happened, and how wrong my actions were. When I used a hacked client, I was thinking only of myself and the short-term gain I would receive. Now, I realize that not only did I break server rules, I harmed other players. By giving myself an unfair advantage, I hurt their experience on ECC. I would never want to do something like that to another player, especially since I had so much fun on the server before I left. Now that I have realized the error in my judgment that caused me to use an illegal client, I am rather ashamed of myself. Also, the time away from ECC, jumping around from one server to the next... it has not been fun. I almost considered quitting Minecraft permanently; or at least until I could find a server that suited me as well as this one. Instead, I have decided to try to return to ECC, and perhaps to make up for my poor choice of actions, if it is possible to do so. I would sincerely appreciate it-heck, it'd make my day, week, maybe even month, if I was allowed a second chance on the server. With the amount that I regret cheating, and the amount I want to rejoin the server, I can say very surely that I have no intention of breaking any rules the server has ever again. Thank you for your consideration. -Arithon
As your ban is old enough for most of your file to be gone I will simply be unbanning you, however do not let this happen again.