Minecraft Username: Cike25 Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?: No Which of ECC's services are you banned on? [Main Server/Teamspeak/Shoutbox - delete as appropriate]: Main Server Reason of Ban: Not repaying a loan Rule violated:Section 3 Clause 2 Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: It means that scamming is not allowed, this includes not completing my side of a contract. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I believe that I would be able to pay a large amount if not all of the loan back seeing how soccer has ended. Last time I was unbanned I was only able to play a few days out of my whole unbanning because, to be honest, I did not prioritize paying my loan very high. This time however will be different. I miss ECC and I see that there are new features and ways to make money. I feel that I would be able to get on, vote and grind for a little bit most days.
*I will, once again post the same message from your last appeal that got denied... and the one before that* I belive you owe me and @minecraftninja05 money for this: (Last Complaint) http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-cike25.124745/ This is 4th time you appeal for the same debt. (Last ban appeal) http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ban-appeal.118809/
@Cike25 How exactly would you go about paying this? How many hours per week could you put towards paying this?
As I now no longer have sports I would be able to play everyday, meaning I would be able to vote everyday. I should be able to dedicate at least 2-3 hours every other weekday and an unknown amount of time on the weekends. I predict I would average about 8-14 hours per week. I have not been on ECC is so long so I no longer know the fastest way of making money, but whatever it is I will find it. I will probably be mining to start as a new reset will be coming soon.
Okay, so I'll be unbanning you now to work on this @Cike25 - however - this going unpaid and with no apparent progress is not going to fly. This is your last chance on this unless I see you seriously putting in an effort. You owe @minecraftninja05 775k in 11 weeks, so by Saturday, December 19th. However, you must make payments of at least 75k by Saturday every week, starting on the 10th of October.