Reason of Ban: Scamming Rule violated: Clause 2.2 - Attempted Scamming Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: This rule means that you tried to steal or try to take someone's money, but got caught. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I feel I should be unbanned is because I have learned my lesson. I have been banned at least 2 months. I also want to say to @matrix_rep I am truly sorry. I understand if you think I am the worst person alive. Also no real harm was done in the end because Matrix_rep got his sword back (I'm sorry if you do not agree).
im sorry but i need to post on here. Look buck im really mad because you and @RaginDevonian blatantly lied to me. Raging told me you said you broke it when really you just gave it to him which is really a jag move. Secondly you wouldnt answer me at all so i really want to know if you truly do realize what you did was wrong or you just want to appeal and scam again. Lastly before you left ragin said these were your words.... "i want to go out with a bang" that shows that you really didnt care about this server and unless you really changed nor do you now. Also my friend actions speak louder then words, and its gonna take a hell of alot more then "matrix im truly sorry" to get me( or many on the server) to trust you again with more then a penny. I wish you the best of luck -matrix_rep
Look dude I'm not asking for anyone to trust me, I'm asking to get back on the server. I said I know you think I'm the worst person on earth. You did not need to post this telling me things I already know.
By the way Ragin said those words. Those are completely made up. I never told him "I want to go out with a bang".
Put very simply I don't think this appeal demonstrates enough effort. Scamming is very serious and I don't think this appeal properly reflects that.