Minecraft Username: julcon13 Reason Of Ban: Griefing of heavon1 spawn Rule Violated: Clause 1 - Griefing Grief is defined as breaking or destroying things that do not belong to you, including breaking and replacing things to get to places that otherwise you shouldn't be going (for example, breaking into someone's house.) This can also extend to building things in areas that do not belong to you. Grief is not allowed in protected towns, unless the town owner has decided otherwise. In the event a grief occurs in a non-grief town then a grief report can be filed. Explanation: I did not grief someone else did Reason I Should Be Unbanned: I did not grief someone else had briefed the whole bottom floor of the hotel and the outside of it whereas I was fixing it, if you do not beleive me then you will lose a good user of ecocotycraft, I have already spread some word to other servers about the real ecocitycraft
You already have an open appeal. Do not post new appeals when you already have one open. Your other appeal will be handled when a staff member has time to handle it. Locked