Ign: Blak3yB0y - please note it is a zero before the 'Y' Reason of Ban: Spamming/Advertising. Rule Violated: Section4 - Chat, Channels and Discussions - Spam is not allowed. Repetitive words, letters, symbols that aren’t used in their correct context, or many messages sent quickly are considered spam. Advertising is strictly prohibited in our chat system for any kind of external product, Minecraft server, or anything else non-EcoCityCraft related. Explain: I was advertising my friends server that he just made, im really sorry i did so and i regret it now. Reason: I wanted my friends server to be as popular as ECC, im sorry i advertised his server on ECC.
Seeing how it has been quite some time since you were banned 12/26/2012 to be exact I will go ahead and unban you. I want to advise you that if you should break any of our rules you will be punished swiftly. User unbanned. Locked.