In Game Name: W4SDGamerHave you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: NoWhich of ECC's services are you banned on: Main serverReason of Ban: Bypassing the ban of WASDGamer.Rule Violated: Bypassing banPlease explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: I can't join on alt accounts when my main is banned.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: The only reason I was banned was because I was "not calm" in which when I tried to reason, as I was apparently invisible in the SG Boss Battle and people were telling me to leave, I was kicked anyways. This is not being a good mod if you don't try to listen to what the person is saying. So, I proceeded to join the server to ask if Bash could talk to me privately for a second. Of course, no response. Couple minutes later, banned.
I feel I should not have to do this as it was poor staffing to not listen to users in distress. Really Suburb? You had to potato my post.
Bash asked if I needed a timeout, and I said yes. So I was about to leave, when "You are Banned" popped up. "timeout" is not a ban, last I checked
If you guys are gonna just potato me because you don't like me, I am flattered. Most people just ignore people they don't like. You guys most really hate me!