Ign: Tganuncio Reason: Advertising Counter-reason: I joined another server and the said I would be op if I advertised so I did it and I didn't get op so I want to come back and play because there are no more good servers but this one. Evidence: none
Hello, I am glad that wish to appeal your ban, however advertising is a very serious offense. I would like for you to re-read our server rules especially the one that you have broken, here: Left unlocked for SMod+ to review.
Hello, I am sorry, but, considering you should know the server rules, you agreed to have read them when you got resident, and the fact that this appeal has 0 effort, I will be denying it. I would recommend appealing with more effort along with an apology and reassurance you won't do this again. All your appeal tells me is that you have no problem advertising on our server if you think you might get something out of it, and that is unacceptable. Revanrose6 Appeal Denied