Minecraft Username: RaBoNa_BoY Reasonual Accounting. Appeal with an explanation Counter-Reason:My friend (RaBoNa_LiFtEr) came over and I show him this server. We were just playing when he gave me 2 enchanted picks. I asked him how he got it and he just shrugged. Judging by the durability of those picks, I realised he scammed people who were looking for e-repair. I told him to stop. It turned out he didn't know scamming was not allowed. (He usually plays in PvP servers.) He then said online minecraft was boring without scamming and went onto his usual servers. After half an hour, he and I go banned. I understand the rules about scamming, I hate scammers myself. My friend deserved to get banned. But please unban me, this is the only server I like.
Thank you for clarifying the situation to the staff team. I understand that you did not scam anyone as shown in this thread: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/stolen-dpickaxe-eff-4-silk-touch-1.41836/ Please wait for a supermod+ to review your appeal. While you are waiting, please re-read the server rules, whcih can be found here. Left Unlocked for a SuperMod+ to Review
Yes, I do have them and I can return them to the owners, I can personally do it and apologize in behalf of my friend, I just need their usernames.
Only one user filed a formal complaint (dannyboy1468). I will expect you to contact them when you come online. My understanding is that they are friends with the other tool's owner as well. I'm sorry this didn't get attended to sooner. I work graveyard and was asleep all of today. Locked & Unbanned.