Hello, my name Is pokeashpoke the friend or... oh screw it, Big brother of the banned user, 5mario. I was banned a long time ago by someone (I forgot lol) But I am hoping our fellow staff can fix this Reason: I was helping my little bro 5mario getting unbanned by repeatedly asking staff to unban him i'll be honest... they gave me lots of warnings but I didn't stop and was banned by a mod or super staff or something. Counter-Reason: I was trying to help my little brother and I gotta be honest they decided to be jerks and 5mario make a email address and make an account for something HE didn't do i'm sorrybut you were jerks! all I was trying to do was help him I may have not listened to staff but FAMILY COMES FIRST!!!! Evidence: Look at my Little Brothers (5mario) Ban appeal
Firstly, by playing on ECC you agree to the following: Each user, when applying for any rank, town feature, complaint or ban appeal is to do so from a forum account matching their IGN. We were not "being jerks" by requesting this, as we request it from everyone. Again, rather than admit/confess to your crimes and apologize for them, you insult us, accuse us of improper action regarding a standard policy that applies to everyone. Regarding appeals, they are handled as staff has time, depending on in game activity and other duties. You admit you were given warning to stop, but didn't. That makes what has happened here a result of your own actions and not those of ECC's staff. From the tone of all of your appeals so far, you are not in any way remorseful for what you have done, and are trying to put the blame on someone other than yourself. I am sorry, but there is not enough effort in this for me to ensure you know what you did was wrong, or that you even care you broke the rules. Think things over, give the rules a thorough read through, and then appeal again when you are ready to see that 'family first' doesn't apply to or negate the server's rules. Locked & Denied - Insufficient Effort