So what i have to say is face-palm my town is getting over run by tbnr and i cant stop him i know you don't know how it props feels to have my stuff get grifed and cant do any thing about it but trust me it SUCKS and every mode is saying NO NO NO OK stop idk what you even me to make, a pacific appeal with 3 things begin middle and end make it exiting and conceiving WHAT just no all i want is to be un banned just agggg i have to write 8 paragraphs cause what? i built a giant wood pillar and i need to explain 7 sentences on dis stuff NO just why why! so here OK but i am not going to make 1 entire paragraph on some thing that you cant make it that i am sorry i built a giant wood pillar i said sorry what do i need to do more just WHAT so here is this the 8 paragraph book you wanted i am sorry if it not it i am not English so stop Minecraft user : piggygod777 Have you changed over user since you got banned? if so whats the previous : No Which of ECC's services are you banned on? [Main Server/Teamspeak/Shoutbox - : Main Rule violated: Making a wiener out sand Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: They mean no grife in a town or cussing or hacking scams and troll aucs Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I think i should be un banned for the following, i know that it was wrong for me to that, done that there's no excuses to say but i can say sorry and i will not do it again theres no other thing to say but just really sorry just i should of tooken it down i was skypeing some friends and i put it there as a joke and for got to take it down so sorry Sorry if its some spellings wrong i tried my best to see that there was none. -Piggygod777
Hello @piggygod777, I'm glad to see you appealing, however, before we can handle your appeal, you will have to fix a few things, which includes; Not having a poll on your appeal Using your proper ban reason, which is "Minor Grief in the town of KorribanFarms" according to this grief report. Quoting the exact rule you have broken (fully) according to our rules here. and simply answering the questions I do not want you to feel in anyway, shape or form pressured to write a "8 paragraph book", I just want you to please explain why exactly you were banned, while reflecting on the actions prior to your ban. All you have to do is answer the questions with the appropriate attitude, by making up your mistakes and telling us why we should allow you to return to EcoCityCraft. Furthermore, I look forward to seeing another appeal from you soon Piggy. Locked - Dismissed