Third times the charm... To tell you the truth... I don't think a person having x-rayed would go through SO much trouble to get back into a server. But I'm ready to be Forum Banned. After this, well, lets just say ill appeal on youtube. Minecraft Username: onaj Reason : X-ray Counter-Reason: My dumbass 13 year old brother, was using my account and he "Xrayed" and using my account without permission. I spend one week off of the computer to study for finals and I find myself banned for X-raying... I love this server with all my heart. I read the rules, you will not "unban" people for X-ray, but please. I have worked so hard and put so much time on this server. I have gotten so far as to being a Mayor with 2 Donator Features. I have never X-rayer before. Please! Please give my account a second chance! My idiot brother tells me that everything he got was kept in my inventory. Delete my inventory, please! Ill do anything, please! The mod that my brother installed is gone for good. He also told me that he had x-rayed for 5 minutes. Evidence: My dumbass brother telling me. Im going to keep asking. Im not going to give up! I love the server too much to let go of it.