Minecraft Username:Hoggwild Reason: I was banned for, Inapropriate Language, Harrasment, and offensive remarks. I understand what I did was, wrong in many ways, But, the only reasons the actions were done, was because I was talking to "my" friends and I thought they were cool with what I was doing and i did not all find it offensive, Little did I know a "freind" of mine, was taking screen shots of what I was doing. All i want to do is enjoy this AWESOME server. If you read the complaint that Jkloring posted (viewtopic.php?f=122&t=13257) you'd see what I did. Most of those were on signs, and some in public chat as I was talking to someone else. Two of the pictures in their are false, The very last one I did not do, It was one of Jkloring's friends. He also told her it was not me but him, and i got the blame for it as you can see. The second one is where I said, "yes i greifed her" if she would of shown the whole picture of that, I wrote "That was saracasim by the way".
Ban changed to a 1 day tempban However, if anything such as what was posted in that complaint happens again, your next ban will be permanent.